Reconciliation Week: Tokenist, ally or accomplice?
27 May 2024: 2024 is a year when many non-Indigenous Australians are reflecting on their engagement with First Nations people and issues. How can we step up, lean into discomfort and do better?
Reconciliation Week: Voice, Treaty, Truth
29 May 2023: Voice, Treaty and Truth are reforms based on First Nations justice and self-determination. This panel discusses the implications of constitutional reform and how we can create a more just and reconciled country for all.
Call it out
24 Nov 2022: This session examines Call it Out's interim report on racism and discrimination against First Nations Peoples. Panellists call for the necessary structural and cultural changes to combat entrenched racism effectively.
Reconciliation Week: More than sorry
27 May 2021: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are being removed from their homes at higher rates than ever. Our panel addresses actions needed to end the removal of Indigenous children from their families, communities, and culture.
Is Australia 'doing better' on systemic racism?
17 Mar 2021: In 2021, institutional racial discrimination was exposed in sports but extends to other areas of Australian society. Our session explores how society is affected by institutional racial discrimination and how we can counter it.
Blak Lives Matter
26 June 2020: Millions of Australians are protesting violence and systemic racism. But with more than 500 deaths of First Nations Australians in police custody since 1980, why has it taken tragedies played out on foreign soil to confront our own issues?
Reconciliation Week with Bruce Pascoe
29 May 2020: To mark Reconciliation Week in 2020, we invited author Professor Bruce Pascoe to speak about his award-winning book Dark Emu, the politics of food, and pathways to justice for Indigenous peoples in modern Australia.