Beautiful Minds
Beautiful Minds is a free program of intimate talks curated and hosted by UTS ICI with thought leaders within the field of transdisciplinary innovation.
Groups of no more than 50 people experience new and groundbreaking research, learnings and ideas of visiting guests/scholars/pracitioners/thinkers in their fields.
Developed in late 2016 the talks are irregular and timed around the schedules of the guest speakers.
A unique daytime short talk and sometimes workshop Beautiful Minds has been desinged for passionate innovators to cultivate new ideas and ways of thinking.
Beautiful Minds talks held to date:
- Michel Bauwens: a global authority on the topics of P2P and Platform Cooperatives. October 2016
- Ishan Shapiro: Global 'knowmad', creative entrepreneur, artist and storyteller. January 2017
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Image attribution: Ishan Shapiro at UTS January 2017. Photo by C.Totterman for UTS ICI
Last updated January 13, 2016.