Thursday, 22nd November 2018
Professor Lata Gangadharan (Monash University) - "Compliance in Social Dilemmas"
Professor Lionel Page (QUT Business School) - "The Proper Balance of Responsibility with Human Customers"
A/Professor Benjamin Loos (UTS Business School) - "Trust and Delegated Investing: A Money Doctors Experiment?"
Mr Ravi Dutta-Powell (The Behavioural Insights Team) - "Behavioural Insights in Banking - Lessons from the Behavioural Insights Team"
Ms Erin Turner (CHOICE) - "Using Behaviourial Insights in Consumer, Advocacy and Policy Making"
Ms Janine Bialecki (BETA) - "Disclosure for Consumers"
Dr Jean Paul Rabanal (Monash University) - "Competition and Norms in Financial Intermediaries"
Dr Adrian Camilleri (UTS Business School) - "A Lab Experiment on the Effect of Smart Defaults and Pictographic Risk Information on Retirement Saving Investment Choices"
A/Professor Gordon Menzies - "Restoring Trust in Finance: from Principal-Agent to Principled Agent"
Mr Peter Martin (The Conversation) - no presentation available
Mr Warren Hogan (UTS Business School) - "Prospects and Challenges for Australia's Financial System"
Friday, 23rd November 2018
Hon Dr Andrew Leigh, MP - no presentation available
Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark (The University of Sydney) - "Indigenous Evaluation: Better than Nothing is Not Good Enough"
Ms Ophelia Cowell (NSW Treasury) - "Evidence-based Policy and Evaluation in NSW"
Professor Suzanne Chambers (UTS, Faculty of Healthy) - "Scurvy, Economics and the Element of Surprise"
Dr Kale Dyer (FACS) - no presentation available
Dr Ralston Fernandes (NSW Centre for Road Safety) - "Road Safety Research and Evaluation in NSW"
Professor Yuting Zhang (Melbourne Institute) - "Evidence-based Healthy Policy Making: Leveraging Large Healthcare Linkage Data"
Associate Professor Keese Van Gool (UTS Business School, CHERE) - "Medical Specialist Fees in Response to Insurance Reform"
Professor David Johnston (Monash University) - "Mental Health, Response to Incentives, and Public Policy"
Mr Michael Frost (Australian Institute of Health & Welfare - "The Institute's Work Developing Health and Welfare Data"
Mr Zhi Soon (The Behavioural Insights Team - "Applying Behavioural Economics to Education - Examples from the UK"
Ms Natasha Doherty (Deloitte Access Economics) - no presentation available
Mr Ben Barnes (Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation) - "Evaluation in Education - the CESE Perspective"
Dr Don Weatherburn (NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research) - "Policy Evaluation in Crime and Justice: Current Work and Future Prospects"
Professor Matthew Gray (ANU) - "Public Support for Policy Trials in Australia"