News Pioneering software centre part of ‘explosion’ in quantum... 15 February 2017 UTS's new Centre for Quantum Software and Information will focus on research in all major aspects of quantum... Bosses spend up big to reward staff 5 December 2016 UTS researchers conducted a series of studies for Business Events Sydney illustrating the economic potential of business tourism. Feeling the heat: giving Olympic athletes a competitive edge 5 December 2016 UTS human movement and sports scientists teamed up with the French National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance... Partnering to shape the next generation of social robotics 5 December 2016 Commonwealth Bank, Stockland, Australian Technology Network of Universities and University of Technology Sydney partner to invest in research...
Pioneering software centre part of ‘explosion’ in quantum... 15 February 2017 UTS's new Centre for Quantum Software and Information will focus on research in all major aspects of quantum...
Bosses spend up big to reward staff 5 December 2016 UTS researchers conducted a series of studies for Business Events Sydney illustrating the economic potential of business tourism.
Feeling the heat: giving Olympic athletes a competitive edge 5 December 2016 UTS human movement and sports scientists teamed up with the French National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance...
Partnering to shape the next generation of social robotics 5 December 2016 Commonwealth Bank, Stockland, Australian Technology Network of Universities and University of Technology Sydney partner to invest in research...