Meeting the information needs of a new era of decentralised renewables and networks.
Network Opportunity Maps help to inform the market about locations where investment in demand management and renewable energy may reduce the need to invest in poles and wires assets, supporting the uptake of local sustainable energy options, and reduce costs for all consumers.
Transforming through Data and Information
- Developing tools to drive city scale/local 100% renewable ambition
- What network data analytics on ISF’s Network Opportunity Maps can be applied to accelerate clean energy integration?
- How do we harness the power of spatial energy datasets to better understand energy demand and forecasts?
PROJECT | 2020-2022
Network Opportunity Maps for electric vehicles
The NSW government commissioned ISF to produce curated data layers to assist the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry to strategically roll out EV charging infrastructure across the state.
The resulting map brings together a number of spatial datasets spanning electricity network assets, traffic volumes, EV registrations and existing charging locations to assist planners plan locations for new chargers to best support electric vehicle adoption.
The project leverages ISF’s deep experience with the National Map platform and is a collaboration with NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Data 61 (CSIRO) and key transport and energy industry data suppliers.
Researchers: Ed Langham, Joe Wyndham, Lawrence McIntosh
Roadmap for survival
ISF has produced a detailed and achievable roadmap for meeting the emissions targets of the Paris Agreement and avoiding climate catastrophe.
PROJECT | 2014-
Network Opportunity Maps
Meeting the information needs of a new era of decentralised energy.