Rangan Srikhanta
We empower teachers to lead local social change and inspire children to learn through the use of...
Company: One Laptop per Child Australia (www.laptop.org.au) - CEO
Why did you decide to study at UTS?
City Based, close connection to industry, a technology edge and young enough to cut through the trappings of bigger uni's that struggle to adapt to changing market needs.
How many companies have you started? Were they successful?
One. Yes this social enterprise has raised over $20m from governments, schools and corporations to provide new learning opportunities for thousands of children who lack access to digital opportunities.
What is the elevator pitch for your company?
We empower teachers to lead local social change and inspire children to learn through the use of technology.
Where did the idea for your company come from?
OLPC is a global initiative, launched by Prof. Nicholas Negroponte and Kofi Annan in 2005. I was studying at UTS when I first saw the idea and believed it should come to Australia.
How did you meet your co-founders?
I would phone and email OLPC global, based at MIT, Boston, MA.
How did you secure investment in your idea?
Major backing from Australian Corporations supported the idea.
What is the biggest challenge facing you and your company at the moment?
Scaling the initiative to reach 50,000 children
How will you measure your success?
Program that sustains itself through teachers and children working together to implement the project.