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IPPG carried out a comprehensive international literature review and analysis of disaster recovery and resilience programs, initiatives and research to inform priorities for the NSW State Resilience Strategy based on latest global best practice.

The challenge 

NSW, like other parts of Australia, has a long history of natural disasters, and over the last few decades extreme weather events have been found to be more frequent and intense due to changes to the climate and other human factors. From prevention through to recovery, effective management of natural disasters requires complex, coordinated and cooperative approaches, often involving all tiers of government, multiple agencies, local communities and business partners. 

To inform the development of future policy directions and best practice disaster resilience approaches for the state, Resilience NSW engaged IPPG to conduct an assessment of local and international natural disaster recovery programs and initiatives. 

What we did 

The research involved a comprehensive literature review and synthesis of Australian and international disaster recovery and resilience program evaluations as well as previous reviews, meta-analyses, academic research and other evidence from the last 20 years.  

This research informed a further analysis to identify the key program elements and factors that make recovery and resilience programs most effective in improving resilience outcomes. 

The analysis was applied to existing evidence of disaster recovery and resilience programs in a NSW context, as a basis for a preliminary assessment of how current NSW programs are performing against global good practice and used to develop strategic insights to guide future policy directions and prioritisation of programs and resource allocation in NSW. 


A detailed research report was delivered to Resilience NSW in June 2022 and is expected to provide a key component of the supporting evidence base for future NSW Government strategy, policy and program investment.