Call for papers | AQIS 2020 Virtual Conference, 7-9 December
Conference submissions are now open for the 20th Asian Quantum Information Science Virtual Conference
The call for papers is now open for the 20th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, hosted by the Centre for Quantum Software and Information at the University of Technology Sydney. AQIS ’20 will focus on quantum information processing, communication and cryptography, an interdisciplinary field bridging quantum physics, computer science, mathematics, and information technologies.
Research areas
VISIT AQIS ’20 conference website for more information
Contributions are welcome from a gamut of areas, including (but not limited to):
- Quantum computation and simulation, algorithms and complexity
- Quantum information theory
- Concepts, methods and tools against decoherence
- Quantum cryptography
- Quantum communications experiments and theory
- Quantum metrology
- Quantum technologies (optics, NMR, solid state, etc.)
- Quantum processor and computer design
- Quantum programming languages and semantics
Submission deadline: 15 November 2020, 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
The submission to AQIS ’20 should be in the form of:
a link to the arXiv posting, or
- an extended abstract (11-point font minimum, 1 pages maximum excluding references, LaTeX template link)
Submissions should include a non-technical, clear and insightful description of the results and main ideas, their impact, and their importance to quantum information and computation.
Please email your paper to
Each submission will only be judged on the basis of appropriateness/scope. All accepted submissions will be treated equally, and the authors will be given the opportunity to upload a video up to 15 minutes. The local organisers will handle Q&A's of the submissions using online professional communication platforms
Successful applicants will be notified by 23 November 2020.
To register
Complete online registration at:
General contact