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50165 Research Methods 2
8cp; prerequisite(s): 50164 Research Methods 1
Professional Strand - Social Inquiry and Change - 200 level

This subject builds on 50164 Research Methods 1 by introducing students to more in-depth research techniques and more in-depth analysis, with appropriate use of theoretical insights. Students gain experience in using less structured methods of research which require a greater level of sophistication and understanding. Qualitative research may include focus groups, in-depth interviewing, oral history, discourse analysis, observation and other forms of in-depth research where original research material is collected, collated and interpreted. While the subject focuses on both the collection and the interpretation of data, there is a strong emphasis on the latter. Writing up the material with a view to the audience and genre involved is a strong focus in this subject. This subject is focused on our skills as interpreters of the world; our ability to use our observations to explain, rather than just describe what we have seen.

For detailed information, see the full subject description.

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