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50164 Research Methods 1
8cp; prerequisite(s): 50120 Introduction to Social Inquiry or 50240 Introduction to Social Inquiry; 50121 Theory and Method or 50241 Theory and Method
Professional Strand - Social Inquiry and Change - 200 level

This is the core subject for the professional research strand and offers the necessary skills in developing and applying basic research techniques and capacities to identify substandard efforts. Students are also expected to make appropriate connections between theory and practice and understand the often political contexts of social research. The course is structured on a project basis, involving students in hands-on experience in designing ways of collecting quantitative data and analysing these. Practice in this course is on survey research with students working in groups so they collect enough data to explore some basic statistical concepts and computer-based cross tabulation. Areas covered include questionnaire design, drawing samples, coding and basic analysis. The subject forms a sequence with 50165 Research Methods 2 for students who want a level of skills that would make them employable as empirical researchers.

For detailed information, see the full subject description.

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