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97x311 Indonesian Language and Culture
4 x 8cp

971311, 972311, 973311, 974311

The above subject numbers indicate the sequence order of language and culture subjects studied at UTS. The first language and culture subject studied, regardless of the level at which you study it, has 1 as the third digit of the subject number; the second subject studied has 2 as the third digit of the subject number; and so on.

The subject number does not indicate the level at which you study the language and culture subject. To determine the level at which you study, contact the Institute for International Studies.

Indonesian is offered to UTS students through arrangements with other universities. Students are placed in classes appropriate to their level of competence. The aim of the Indonesian language program is to give students a good working knowledge of modern written and spoken Indonesian and to enable them to express themselves in the language correctly and with reasonable clarity.