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92243 Practice Development 1
6cp; 7 or 8 weeks, 12 theoretical hours, 96 clinical hours; prerequisite(s): all first-year Adult Nursing subjects: 92191 Adult Nursing: Cardiovascular; 92192 Adult Nursing: Respiratory; 92194 Adult Nursing: Renal and Reproductive; 92195 Adult Nursing: GIT and Orthopaedic, plus one (1) 2nd year Adult Nursing subject 92248 Adult Nursing: Neuroendocrine or 92238 Adult Nursing: Cellular Alterations, plus one (1) 2nd year Foundations subject 92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing or 92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing or equivalent

This subject provides the opportunity for students to refine and consolidate both their medical-surgical nursing skills and generic nursing competencies. The ANCI Competencies form the framework for practice development. Students are provided with a range of practice-based/clinical learning opportunities which ensure that each domain of practice is addressed and assessed.