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77945 Advanced Taxation
6cp; one semester; prerequisite(s): 77885 Legal Process and Legal Research or equivalent
Semester offered: 2005
Offered at: City campus
Subject Coordinator(s): Dr Holger Sorensen (Lecturer)

This subject is concerned with taxation practice. It is not intended to be prescriptive, and variations will be made by the lecturer to cater for the interests of students and to take account of current developments in revenue law. Topics covered include recent amendments and case law; fundamentals of tax planning; advanced problems; partnerships; trusts; taxation and stamp duty problems in estate management; company distributions, losses, superannuation and employee benefits; foreign source income and tax havens; alienation of income; legislative and judicial techniques to minimise tax avoidance; objections and appeals; and other revenue laws.

For detailed subject information see the Advanced Taxation subject outline.

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