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77783 International Commercial Dispute Resolution (S) 1
6cp; one semester; antirequisite(s): 77751 International Commercial Arbitration
Semester offered: 2005
Offered at: City campus
Subject Coordinator(s): Damian Sturzaker (Lecturer)

Topics in this subject cover negotiation in international commercial disputes; cross-cultural commercial negotiations; transnational aspects of arbitration; arbitration as contract; statutory regulation of arbitration; international arbitration law; negotiating with Japan and a Middle-Eastern country; the role of dispute resolution centres; arbitration institutions; and drafting and analysing arbitration agreements. A compulsory component of the subject is a three-day skills workshop.

For detailed subject information see the International Commercial Dispute Resolution (S) subject outline.

You need Adobe Acrobat to view the subject outline. Download the free Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website.

1 This subject cannot be taken if 77751 International Commercial Arbitration has already been completed.