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77712 Deceptive Trade Practices 1
6cp; one semester; corequisite(s): 77885 Legal Process and Legal Research or equivalent
Semester offered: Autumn
Offered at: City campus
Subject Coordinator(s): Julius Mendel (Lecturer)

This subject is an advanced study of Parts V and VI of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cwlth) (and analogous legislation). Topics covered include deceptive trade practices; remedies; unconscionable conduct; and the liability of suppliers, service providers and manufacturers. Emphasis is placed on recent legal developments.

For detailed subject information see the Deceptive Trade Practices subject outline.

You need Adobe Acrobat to view the subject outline. Download the free Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website.

1 Formerly Deceptive Trade Practices and Product Liability (12cp/two semesters).