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70211 Law of Contract
8cp; one semester; prerequisite(s): 70113 Legal Process and History; corequisite(s): 70105 Legal Research
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Semester offered: Autumn, Spring
Offered at: City campus
Subject Coordinator(s): Weng Siow, Sue Carr-Gregg

This subject deals with the legal principles related to binding promises, the difficulties arising out of their interpretation, how they may become defeasible, issues relating to their performance, and how they may be discharged. Topics covered include the formation of contracts (agreement, consideration, intention, writing); content and construction; vitiating factors (capacity, privity, mistake, misrepresentation, illegality, duress, undue influence, unconscionability); discharge by performance and non-performance of contractual obligations (breach and frustration); and contractual remedies.

For detailed subject information see the Law of Contract subject outline.

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