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55002 Social, Political, Historical Honours Seminar
Honours subject - 400 level

This seminar provides the opportunity for students to examine and reflect on key issues in the area of Social, Political and Historical Studies, by engaging in advanced investigation into the underlying assumptions, implicit aims and diverse methods of these disciplines. Key topics and concepts in these areas, selected in consultation with the class, are taken as the starting point for the group's research and discussion. The seminar focuses on in-depth study of central current problems in these fields of knowledge production, on the process of developing and substantiating students' own independent ideas, as well as on critically assessing and incorporating the theories of central and seminal figures in their areas of study. The content of the seminar's syllabus and its disciplinary emphasis is sufficiently flexible to address the thesis-related interests of participants and involves a sustained critique of the issues surrounding the choice of research methods related to these.

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