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50255 Documentary Study
8cp; prerequisite(s): 50136 Cinematic Cultures
Disciplinary Strand - Cultural Studies - 300 level

Documentary Study investigates the history of documentary film-making from the 1920s through to now, from the moment of Grierson, through the different moments of political documentary, cinéma-vérité, film and television docudrama, the essay documentary, 'mockumentary' and so on. In any given year, the course content emphasises one or more of these historical periods and subgenres, and takes its examples from a variety of national cinemas. The subject is also open to considering the impact on film and television documentary practice of various forms of prose documentary narrative, especially as some prose experiments in 'factual fictions' (In Cold Blood, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, The Executioner's Song, Huckstepp) overlap with the diversity of film and television documentary practice.

For detailed information, see the full subject description.

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