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50107 Contemporary Cultures 1 1
Disciplinary Strand - Cultural Studies - 100 level

This subject investigates cultural narratives as they appear in present-day Australia and globally. Employing a cultural studies approach, it aims to provide methods for analysing complex cultural phenomena in a media-saturated environment. The cultural complexity studied emerges through Aboriginal, Islander, European and Asian and Middle Eastern traditions and their hybrid forms. Theories associated with the textual manifestations of these traditions and cultural forms of representation are presented, including modes of signification and representation, cultural and social differences, canons and their contestations and generic and multi-generic forms. Media and multimedia are studied as written, visual and aural products which have specific institutional bases, e.g. Hollywood for their production and particular audiences for their consumption.

For detailed information, see the full subject description.

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1 Students completing this subject as an 8cp elective enrol in 50228 Contemporary Cultures 1.