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49209 Advanced Web Technology
6cp; 3hpw; availability: all courses; prerequisite(s): experience in usage of both Windows and Unix computer systems, familiarity with email and tools such as Telnet and FTP, HTML, web-page design and Java programming
Subject Coordinator(s): Dr K K Fung

This subject aims to develop an understanding of advanced Internet, web, and related technologies, and how these technologies relate to management of large-scale information repositories. Students will develop an understanding of numerous technologies (such as Hypertext, Internet and web protocols and standards, web servers and proxies, Java and JavaScript, CGI, cookies, push/pull, metadata, SGML and XML, CORBA, security, etc.). Students develop an overview of all technologies and are provided with the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of several of the technologies.

Assessment: Laboratory work (10 per cent), development/research project (40 per cent), examination 50 per cent.