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49006 Risk Management in Engineering
6cp; block attendance; distance mode; availability: all courses; prerequisite(s): suitable undergraduate subject
Subject Coordinator(s): J Irish

This subject develops the capability to identify, assess, ameliorate and limit risk in the management and practice of engineering through the application of the concepts and tools of risk engineering. On completion, students are also able to identify the main hazards in an engineering project and to design an appropriate risk management strategy. Topics supported by case studies include: semantics of risk and hazard; risk as a social construct; principles of risk management; steps in risk engineering; integration with engineering process; risk perception, risk communication and the acceptability of risks; statutory provisions in NSW relating to some engineering risks; legal principles relating to engineering risks (contract, liability, etc.); checklists and scoping for risk identification and assessment; design criteria and code provisions for various risks; comparing risks; quantified and qualitative risk assessment methods; risk assessment in emergencies; and financial tools in the management of engineering risks.

Assessment: Three assignments (20 per cent each) plus informal examination (40 per cent).