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49004 Systems Engineering for Managers
6cp; 3hpw; block mode; availability: all courses (core for MEM); prerequisite(s): 49001 Judgment and Decision Making; corequisite(s): 49002 Managing Projects
Subject Coordinator(s): Professor W R Belcher

The underlying process of problem solving through engineering projects is interpreted as a unifying discipline. Drawing on contemporary scholarship and best practice, the philosophy, concepts, techniques and tools of this systems engineering process are examined in the context of engineering management, and their domain of applicability explored. The subject provides extensive opportunity for individual and group encounter with the challenges of the systems approach, and is illustrated by case studies presented by guest lecturers.

Assessment: Mastery test (confirming understanding of concepts) (20 per cent), group assignment (relating to case studies) (30 per cent), individual project (including seminar) (50 per cent).