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48230 Engineering Communication
6cp; prerequisite(s): 48210 Engineering for Sustainability
Semester offered: Autumn, Spring
Offered at: City campus
Subject Coordinator(s): Helen McGregor

On completion of this subject students should be able to: understand basic principles and theories of human communication; research within the various discipline areas that inform the study of communication; write competently in a number of different genres; perform competently in a variety of oral communication situations; understand basic principles and practices of graphic communication; demonstrate their ability to express engineering concepts through graphical communication; demonstrate their ability to 'converse' mathematically; lead and participate in group processes; and appreciate the central role of communication in engineering practice.

Topics include: principles and theories of communication, communication in practice, the processes of communication, and communication technology.

Assessment: Typically assessment for this subject will involve a combination of quizzes, group work, oral presentations, written assignments and workshop exercises.