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31748 Programming on the Internet
6cp; availability: undergraduate degree students; prerequisite(s): 31470 Distributed Computing Architecture
Offered at: City campus

This subject introduces students to the specifics of the World Wide Web and Internet-based programming. The evolution of the Internet and its technical foundation will be studied as well as basic techniques for presenting data, text and pictures on the World Wide Web. The client/server paradigm will be explored in detail featuring website design and construction using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), MySQL (Backend database), JavaScript and Java Applets.

The subject introduces the concept of concurrent programming. In the course, students learn how to use threading in Java to design advanced Graphical User Interfaces. This subject also introduces some existing tools that can be used for website design and administration. This subject provides a sound basis for understanding how the WWW functions, how to construct web pages and how to write software for the WWW using scripting techniques and the Java programming language.