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023126 Learning in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
6cp; 4hpw
Subject Coordinator(s): Lori Beckett

This subject is divided into two modules, each requiring two hours attendance per week. Module G concentrates on gymnastics and movement skills in the Years 7-10 syllabus. It combines a practical and theoretical focus. Module H examines the concept of a socio-cultural perspective on health in relation to K-12 Health Issues. Taken together, the two modules emphasise developing skills and understanding of the structure and content of the K-12 PDHPE syllabuses, and provide students with opportunities to explore a wide range of programming, planning, teaching and learning strategies, and computer-based technologies.

Together with the modules in 023123 Professional Practice in PDHPE 2 (modules E and F) all four modules provide students with the opportunity to examine relevant school syllabuses and policies and apply these document in their preparation of programs and lessons. It develops students' professional understanding and skills and encourages them to develop as reflective practitioners by providing models of teaching excellence. The subject comprises compulsory modules which enhance students' ability to teach PDHPE.