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013708 e-Learning Technologies
6cp; weekend workshop; prerequisite(s): 013706 e-Learning Experiences, Models and Theories 1; 013707 e-Learning Experiences, Models and Theories 2
Postgraduate; Level B
Subject Coordinator(s): Lyn Schaverien

In this subject, students engage with selected problem-oriented scenarios, chosen to fit with their needs and experiences, in which actual learning problems are presented, and which have led to the development of particular e-Learning contexts. By considering steps, both actual and possible, towards the solution of these learning problems, students develop a basic understanding of a range of e-Learning technologies, equipping them to take an informed part in interdisciplinary e-Learning design teams. As a central part of their experience in this subject, students are introduced to and develop a basic familiarity with a selected range of technical solutions that are possible for a variety of educational problems. Students' technological fluency is further developed in this subject through their consideration of the technological principles implicit in e-Learning systems.