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Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Jumbunna was relaunched as the Indigenous House of Learning (IHL) in 2001. Jumbunna has grown from being, in 1986, an Aboriginal student support centre, to become a successful academic, research and support centre with approximately 400 Indigenous Australian undergraduate and postgraduate students studying at UTS.

Jumbunna's role within UTS is to contribute to Australia's educational and social development by making UTS staff and students aware of Indigenous Australian cultures and associated issues. Jumbunna is committed to improving the quality of teaching and research at UTS by facilitating active links with the Indigenous community, higher education institutions and other professions with particular emphasis on Australia's growth as a multicultural nation.

Jumbunna IHL has a wide-ranging, long-term agenda that includes:

  • involving Indigenous Australians in institutional decision-making and consultative structures, academic policy development and curriculums, and strengthening partnerships between it and the faculties
  • broadening the awareness and acceptance of Indigenous Australian cultures, achievements, contributions, and contemporary issues by developing teaching subjects and awards
  • broadening economic, social and political opportunities for Indigenous Australians, in particular expanding employment and income opportunities
  • enhancing the teaching and coordination of postgraduate studies in Indigenous studies
  • the provision of consultancy services to community and government, and
  • improving accessibility, retention and graduation rates of Indigenous Australians in studies at UTS.

Reconciliation Studies elective

The subject Reconciliation Studies is offered by Jumbunna to all UTS students. The subject is a transdisciplinary 6- or 8-credit-point elective available at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


85208 Reconciliation Studies 6cp
85209 Reconciliation Studies 8cp


85210 Reconciliation Studies 6cp
85211 Reconciliation Studies 8cp

For further details of these subjects, refer to the Subject Descriptions. Students should consult with their Faculty Student Office before enrolling in this subject.