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Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)

The Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) is a means of ensuring that students contribute to the cost of their higher education while the Commonwealth pays the major part of the costs involved. It is payable each teaching period and the amount paid varies according to the number of credit points undertaken and the method of payment nominated by the student.

Commonwealth legislation sets strict conditions for HECS over which the University has no control. HECS charges are based on the subjects in which students are enrolled on the HECS census date.

Note: Any reductions in academic workload after the census date will not reduce HECS liability.

New students, students returning from leave and students who are commencing a new or second course, must complete a Payment Options Declaration form. This form must be lodged with the University by the census date and should show a valid Tax File Number.

The HECS census date for Autumn semester is 31 March and for Spring semester is 31 August. HECS census dates for other teaching periods can be obtained from the UTS Student Info & Admin Centre.

Further information and variations to these guidelines can be obtained from the booklet HECS Information which is available from the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) on telephone 1800 020 108 or from the website at:
