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Austudy / Youth Allowance

There are two major Commonwealth Government benefits for tertiary students: Austudy and the Youth Allowance. Both are income and assets tested. Austudy is for students aged 25 and over when commencing a course, while Youth Allowance is for students up to 25 years old. Youth Allowance recipients may be eligible for a rent allowance. Details of these and other Centrelink benefits are available at:


Application forms and information about eligibility for both Youth Allowance and Austudy are available from the Student Services Unit at City and Kuring-gai campuses.

Commonwealth legislation sets strict requirements for Austudy and Youth Allowance over which the University has no control. It is important that the students concerned understand these requirements.

Students who receive Austudy or the Youth Allowance and decide to drop subjects during the semester must be aware that to remain eligible they must be enrolled in a minimum of 18 credit points, or have a HECS liability for the semester of .375 equivalent full-time student units. The only exceptions made are for some students with disabilities which interfere with their studies, students who are single supporting parents or, in exceptional cases, those who have been directed by the University to reduce their study load.

For more information, talk to a Financial Assistance Officer in the Student Services Unit. Call for an appointment on:

telephone (02) 9514 1177 (City campus)
or (02) 9514 5342 (Kuring-gai campus)

Application forms for both Austudy and Youth Allowance should be lodged as soon as possible with any Centrelink office.


Abstudy assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tertiary students by providing income support and other assistance. For more information about Abstudy, contact the staff at Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning:

telephone (02) 9514 1902 or 1800 064 312