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Equity and diversity

UTS has a strong commitment to ensure that the diverse nature of Australian society is reflected in all aspects of its employment and education. The University also aims to assist members of under-represented groups overcome past or present discrimination, and to provide a supportive and open organisational culture in which students and staff are able to develop to their full potential.

UTS is committed to implementing its Equal Opportunity Statement which aims to ensure that all students and staff are treated fairly and equitably, and can work and study in an environment free of harassment. Discrimination, harassment and victimisation are unlawful, undermine professional relationships, diminish the experience of university life, and are not tolerated at UTS. All students and staff have a responsibility to contribute to the achievement of a productive, safe and equitable study and work environment.

The Equity & Diversity Unit provides a range of services for students and prospective students. These include the coordination of the inpUTS Educational Access Scheme for students who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage; coordination of financial grants for commencing low-income inpUTS students; and the provision of confidential advice and assistance with the resolution of discrimination and harassment-related grievances.

Equity & Diversity Unit
telephone (02) 9514 1084
email equity.diversity.unit@uts.edu.au
