Pre-conference workshop
Science by Doing ASERA Pre-conference workshop 2017
The Science by Doing program consists of:
- professional learning resources that use digital technology in innovative ways,
- comprehensive interactive online curriculum units for years 7 to 10, and
- a professional learning approach that involves establishing collaborative school teaching teams.
The resources are available free to Australian educators and students by simply registering on the Science by Doing website.
Pre-conference workshop
A one-day pre-conference workshop will be held on Tuesday 27 June, prior to the ASERA conference in Sydney in 2017. The purpose of the workshop is to explain how the Science by Doing program could support university teacher education. The professional learning modules in particular are very useful for pre-service teachers in improving pedagogical skills. In fact some universities are already using the modules in their courses.
Features of Teacher Education support
The workshop will be conducted with university educators to:
- increase their awareness of the Science by Doing program especially the online curriculum units,
- explain how the professional learning can be used in pre-service teacher education courses,
- examine ways of establishing university and school partnerships that would assist in the implementation of Science by Doing.
Funding support to attend workshop
A return airfare to Sydney will be available to one university educator from each Australian university. The expectation is that the university educator would have some responsibility for pre-service secondary science education within their university. If you are interested in applying for travel funding please complete the application form.
To register for the Science by Doing pre-conference workshop, please send your details to
Workshop venue
The workshop will be conducted at the University of Technology Sydney.
The quality of the award winning Science by Doing professional learning modules will provide a concrete basis for enhancing pre-service science teacher education. The online curriculum units demonstrate how to translate the inquiry pedagogy into direct classroom action with support provided through the comprehensive teacher guides that can assist inexperienced teachers.